Friday, May 2, 2008

Procedure to Add the disks in Sun Cluster

Procedure to add the disks in Cluster

1. Create a metaset and all the hosts to metaset.
# metaset -s metaset name -a -h primary node secondary node

2. Find out the did device for shared hitachi disks
# scdidadm -L

3.Create a metaset and all the hosts to metaset.

#metaset -s -a /dev/did/rdsk/dx /dev/did/rdsk/dy

4.Format and allocate all the size to Slice 0, leaveing the 7th partition as it is.

5. Create a meta device as per requirement for 33 gb luns.

# metainit -s metaset name disk name e.g. d100 1 1 did device for e.g. /dev/did/rdsk/dxs0

6. Create stripe metadevice for 66 gb luns

# metainit -s metaset name disk name e.g dz 1 2 did device /dev/did/rdsk/das0 did device /dev/did/rdsk/das0> -i 512k

7. newfs the device

8. Create mount points

9. Edit vfstab and update the file.

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