Friday, April 10, 2009

Sun Cluster (File locations & Important configuration)

man pages :/usr/cluster/man
log files:/var/cluster/logs/var/adm/messages
sccheck logs:/var/cluster/sccheck/report.
CCR files : /etc/cluster/ccr
Cluster infrastructure file : /etc/cluster/ccr/infrastructure

SCSI Reservations:

Display reservation keys
scsi2: /usr/cluster/lib/sc/pgre -c pgre_inkeys -d /dev/did/rdsk/d4s2
scsi3:/usr/cluster/lib/sc/scsi -c inkeys -d /dev/did/rdsk/d4s2

determine the device owner
scsi2:/usr/cluster/lib/sc/pgre -c pgre_inresv -d /dev/did/rdsk/d4s2
scsi3:/usr/cluster/lib/sc/scsi -c inresv -d /dev/did/rdsk/d4s2

Cluster information:

Quorum info : scstat –q
Cluster components: scstat -pv
Resource/Resource group status : scstat –g
IP Networking Multipathing : scstat –i
Status of all nodes : scstat –n
Disk device groups: scstat –D
Transport info : scstat –W
Detailed resource/resource group : scrgadm -pv
Cluster configuration info : scconf –p
Installation info (prints packages and version) : scinstall –pv

Cluster Configuration:

Integrity check : sccheck
Configure the cluster (add nodes, add data services, etc) : scinstall
Cluster configuration utility (quorum, data sevices, resource groups, etc) : scsetup
Add a node : scconf –a –T node=
Remove a node : scconf –r –T node=
Prevent new nodes from entering : scconf –a –T node=.
Put a node into maintenance state : scconf -c -q node=,maintstate

Note: use the scstat -q command to verify that the node is in maintenance mode, the vote count should be zero for that node.
Get a node out of maintenance state : scconf -c -q node=,reset

Note: use the scstat -q command to verify that the node is in maintenance mode, the vote count should be one for that node.

Admin Quorum Device
Quorum devices are nodes and disk devices, so the total quorum will be all nodes and devices added together.You can use the scsetup GUI interface to add/remove quorum devices or use the below commands.

Adding a device to the quorum : scconf –a –q globaldev=d11
Note: if you get the error message "uable to scrub device" use scgdevs to add device to the global device namespace.

Removing a device to the quorum : scconf –r –q globaldev=d11

Remove the last quorum device :
Evacuate all nodesput cluster into maint mode #scconf –c –q
installmoderemove the quorum device#scconf –r –q globaldev=d11
check the quorum devices#scstat –q

Resetting quorum info
scconf –c –q reset

Note: this will bring all offline quorum devices online

Bring a quorum device into maintenance mode

obtain the device number

#scdidadm –L
#scconf –c –q globaldev=,maintstate

Bring a quorum device out of maintenance mode
#scconf –c –q globaldev=,reset

Resource Groups
Adding : scrgadm -a -g -h ,
Removing : scrgadm –r –g
changing properties : scrgadm -c -g -y
Listing : scstat –g
Detailed List : scrgadm –pv –g
Display mode type (failover or scalable) : scrgadm -pv -g grep 'Res Group mode'
Offlining : scswitch –F –g
Onlining : scswitch -Z -g
Unmanaging : scswitch –u –g

Note: (all resources in group must be disabled)

Managing " scswitch –o –g
Switching : scswitch –z –g –h

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