Thursday, June 17, 2010

Scsetup - Modifications

# delete a metaset...

# check status
metastat -p -s Kencu1-DG

# remove all soft partitions and concats...
metaclear -s Kencu1-DG d1
metaclear -s Kencu1-DG d2
metaclear -s Kencu1-DG d3
metaclear -s Kencu1-DG d0

# remove all disks from the metaset...
metaset -s Kencu1-DG -d /dev/did/rdsk/d5

# you might have to force it "-f"
metaset -s Kencu1-DG -d -f /dev/did/rdsk/d5

# remove all hosts from diskset
metaset -s Kencu1-DG -d -h test
metaset -s Kencu1-DG -d -h test1
metaset -s Kencu1-DG -d -f -h test2

# check that the diskset no longer exists
scstat -D

# create a new diskset

# create metaset and mediators
metaset -s new-cu1 -a -h PKEND022 PKEND023
metaset -s new-cu1 -a -m PKEND022 PKENd023

# add disk to the metaset
metaset -s new-cu1 -a /dev/did/rdsk/d5

# check status
metaset -s new-cu1
metadb -s new-cu1
medstat -s new-cu1

# create the first concat
metainit -s new-cu1 d0 1 1 /dev/did/rdsk/d5s0

# create soft partitions (If required In our case its not required )
metainit -s new-cu1 d1 -p d0 100m
metainit -s new-cu1 d2 -p d0 2g
metainit -s new-cu1 d3 -p d0 2g
metainit -s new-cu1 d4 -p d0 1.5g

# create resource group
scrgadm -a -g Kencu1-DG -h PKEND022,PKEND023 -y RG_description="KENCU1-DG"

# create StoragePlus resource
scrgadm -a -j kencu1-hasp-rs -t SUNW.HAStoragePlus -g Kencu1-DG \
-x FileSystemMountPoints=/s1/kencu2/oracle,/s1/kencu2/oradata01,/s1/kencu2/oradata02 \
-x AffinityOn=true

# create logical hostname resource
scrgadm -a -L -g Kencu1-DG -j kencu1-lh-rs -l PKENCU2

# Resource Group commands

# check status of all resource groups/resources
scstat -g

# shutdown a resource group
scswitch -F -g

# start a resource group
scswitch -Z -g

# failover a resource group to another node
scswitch -z -g -h

# restart a resource group
scswitch -R -g -h

# evacuate all resources and resource groups from a node
scswitch -S -h

# Resource commands

# disable a resource and its fault monitor
scswitch -n -j

# enable a resource and its fault monitor
scswitch -e -j

# clear the STOP_FAILED flag of a resource
scswitch -c -j -h -f STOP_FAILED

# Shutdown the ENTIRE cluster

# View properties of Resource Groups/Resources
# Use "-v" to increase verbosity
scrgadm -p -g
scrgadm -p -j

# Add in ipmp tests and maintenance procedures

# Add a new LUN on the fly...

# probe/display all fibre attached devices
cfgadm -al

# look for the WWN numbers given by storage

root@PKEND022 # cfgadm -al
Ap_Id Type Receptacle Occupant Condition
c0 scsi-bus connected configured unknown
c0::dsk/c0t0d0 CD-ROM connected configured unknown
c1 fc-private connected configured unknown
c1::210000008741a927 disk connected configured unknown
c1::2100000087968e21 disk connected configured unknown
c2 fc-fabric connected configured unknown
c2::50060e80042d0a24 disk connected configured unusable
c3 fc-fabric connected unconfigured unknown
c3::50060e80042d0a06 disk connected unconfigured unknown unknown <-- and this one
c4 fc-fabric connected configured unknown
c4::50060e80042d0a34 disk connected configured unusable
c5 fc-fabric connected unconfigured unknown
c5::50060e80042d0a16 disk connected unconfigured unknown
c7 scsi-bus connected unconfigured unknown
c8 scsi-bus connected unconfigured unknown
usb0/1 unknown empty unconfigured ok
usb0/2 unknown empty unconfigured ok
usb0/3 unknown empty unconfigured ok
usb0/4 unknown empty unconfigured ok
root@PKEND022 #

# if it's not already configured then configure the disk
cfgadm -c configure c3::50060e80042d0a06 c5::50060e80042d0a16

# this one shows lun hex id's too!!
cfgadm -al -o show_FCP_dev c3::50060e80042d0a06

# else confirm with...
# format
Searching for disks...done

c6t500060E80000000000009CBB00000484d0: configured with capacity of 96.28GB
c6t500060E80000000000009CBB00000492d0: configured with capacity of 96.28GB

0. c1t0d0
1. c1t1d0
2. c6t500060E80000000000009CBB0000043Dd0
3. c6t500060E80000000000009CBB00000051d0
4. c6t500060E80000000000009CBB00000141d0
5. c6t500060E80000000000009CBB00000430d0
6. c6t500060E80000000000009CBB00000442d0
7. c6t500060E80000000000009CBB00000443d0
8. c6t500060E80000000000009CBB00000444d0
9. c6t500060E80000000000009CBB00000445d0
10. c6t500060E80000000000009CBB00000480d0
11. c6t500060E80000000000009CBB00000484d0
12. c6t500060E80000000000009CBB00000492d0
Specify disk (enter its number):

# the label of the disk should give you an indication of which one you are after (ie 128Gb = OPEN-9*14)

# then confirm your suspicions with...
# luxadm display /dev/rdsk/c6t500060E80000000000009CBB00000492d0s2
DEVICE PROPERTIES for disk: /dev/rdsk/c6t500060E80000000000009CBB00000492d0s2
Product ID: OPEN-9*14 -SUN
Revision: 0117
Serial Num: 40123
Unformatted capacity: 103384.352 MBytes
Write Cache: Enabled
Read Cache: Enabled
Minimum prefetch: 0x0
Maximum prefetch: 0x0
Device Type: Disk device

Controller /devices/ssm@0,0/pci@18,600000/SUNW,qlc@1/fp@0,0
Device Address 500060e8029cbb08,c <-- check this line
Host controller port WWN 210000e08b0a3bfe
Class primary

# the Device Address line above should correlate with the WWN and Hex address that
# the Storage boys supply you with.

# create new did instances for these devices on each node
# scdidadm -r
did instance 21 created.
did subpath mulloway:/dev/rdsk/c6t500060E80000000000009CBB00000484d0 created for instance 21.
did instance 22 created.
did subpath mulloway:/dev/rdsk/c6t500060E80000000000009CBB00000492d0 created for instance 22.
# scdidadm -r
did subpath /dev/rdsk/c6t500060E80000000000009CBB00000484d0s2 created for instance 21.
did subpath /dev/rdsk/c6t500060E80000000000009CBB00000492d0s2 created for instance 22.
# scdidadm -L|grep c6t500060E80000000000009CBB00000484d0
21 manta:/dev/rdsk/c6t500060E80000000000009CBB00000484d0 /dev/did/rdsk/d21
21 mulloway:/dev/rdsk/c6t500060E80000000000009CBB00000484d0 /dev/did/rdsk/d21
21 marlin:/dev/rdsk/c6t500060E80000000000009CBB00000484d0 /dev/did/rdsk/d21

# update the global devices namespace

# if it's a new LUN size you've been given, create a new label in /etc/format.dat.
# These 100Gb ones didn't seem to work using an explicit entry in /etc/format.dat.
# In this case, just add the type manually thru "format".
# Use the Hitachi disk spec manual for values.
# At any rate, label and partition the disks. Make slice 7 20Mb, and add the rest of the disk into
# slice 0.

# Remove a LUN on the fly...
# If you don't know the diskset/device(s) to remove, the storage
# boys will provide you with the WWN and LUN ID
# ie 50060e80042d0a06, LUN x'06'

# Issue a luxadm display using the WWN
# All luns on that port will be displayed.
# Look at the "Device Address" filed to find the right lun.

DEVICE PROPERTIES for disk: 50060e80042d0a06
Product ID: OPEN-9 -SUN
Revision: 0119
Serial Num: 40123
Unformatted capacity: 7384.597 MBytes
Write Cache: Enabled
Read Cache: Enabled
Minimum prefetch: 0x0
Maximum prefetch: 0x0
Device Type: Disk device

Controller /devices/ssm@0,0/pci@18,600000/SUNW,qlc@1/fp@0,0
Device Address 500060e8029cbb08,6
Host controller port WWN 210000e08b0aa6fd
Class primary
Controller /devices/ssm@0,0/pci@19,700000/SUNW,qlc@3/fp@0,0
Device Address 500060e8029cbb18,6
Host controller port WWN 210000e08b0e0622
Class primary

DEVICE PROPERTIES for disk: 500060e8029cbb08
Product ID: OPEN-9 -SUN
Revision: 0119
Serial Num: 40123
Unformatted capacity: 7384.597 MBytes
Write Cache: Enabled
Read Cache: Enabled
Minimum prefetch: 0x0
Maximum prefetch: 0x0
Device Type: Disk device

Controller /devices/ssm@0,0/pci@18,600000/SUNW,qlc@1/fp@0,0
Device Address 500060e8029cbb08,7
Host controller port WWN 210000e08b0aa6fd
Class primary
Controller /devices/ssm@0,0/pci@19,700000/SUNW,qlc@3/fp@0,0
Device Address 500060e8029cbb18,7
Host controller port WWN 210000e08b0e0622
Class primary

# Once you have this info, you have the disk device name like...

# Use this to find the did device name
scdidadm -L |grep c6t500060E80000000000009CBB00000444d0
4 pkend022:/dev/rdsk/c6t500060E80000000000009CBB00000444d0 /dev/did/rdsk/d4
4 pkend023:/dev/rdsk/c6t500060E80000000000009CBB00000444d0 /dev/did/rdsk/d4
4 pkend024:/dev/rdsk/c6t500060E80000000000009CBB00000444d0 /dev/did/rdsk/d4

scdidadm -L |grep c6t500060E80000000000009CBB00000444d0
9 pkend022:/dev/rdsk/c6t500060E80000000000009CBB00000445d0 /dev/did/rdsk/d9
9 pkend023:/dev/rdsk/c6t500060E80000000000009CBB00000445d0 /dev/did/rdsk/d9
9 pkend024:/dev/rdsk/c6t500060E80000000000009CBB00000445d0 /dev/did/rdsk/d9

# So it's d4 and d9 I want to remove
# Check for their existence in metasets

metaset|grep d9

# If there's any output, you'd better take a close look at the whole output
# to find which metaset it belongs to.
# If it belongs to a metaset, remove all filesystems partitions etc.
# Finally delete the metaset.

# If you have HDS SCSI reserve errors when trying to deallocate the lun...

# Check for SCSI3 reserves using the undocumented utility /usr/cluster/lib/sc/reserve.
# Use either the did or the OS device file.
$ ./reserve -c inkeys -z /dev/did/rdsk/d9s2
Reservation keys(3):
$ scdidadm -L|grep d9
9 manta:/dev/rdsk/c6t500060E80000000000009CBB00000445d0 /dev/did/rdsk/d9
9 marlin:/dev/rdsk/c6t500060E80000000000009CBB00000445d0 /dev/did/rdsk/d9
9 mulloway:/dev/rdsk/c6t500060E80000000000009CBB00000445d0 /dev/did/rdsk/d9
$ ./reserve -c inkeys -z /dev/rdsk/c6t500060E80000000000009CBB00000445d0s2
Reservation keys(3):

$ ./reserve -c scrub -z /dev/rdsk/c6t500060E80000000000009CBB00000445d0s2
Reservation keys currently on disk:
Attempting to remove all keys from the disk...
May 26 17:44:57 marlin last message repeated 1 time
May 26 17:46:44 marlin scsi: WARNING: /scsi_vhci/ssd@g500060e80000000000009cbb00000445 (ssd5):
May 26 17:46:44 marlin Error for Command: Error Level: Informational
Scrubbing complete, use 'reserve -c inkeys -z /dev/rdsk/c6t500060E80000000000009CBB00000445d0s2' to verify success
$ May 26 17:46:44 marlin scsi: Requested Block: 0 Error Block: 0
May 26 17:46:44 marlin scsi: Vendor: HITACHI Serial Number: 04009CBB0445
May 26 17:46:44 marlin scsi: Sense Key: Unit Attention
May 26 17:46:44 marlin scsi: ASC: 0x2a (), ASCQ: 0x4, FRU: 0x0

$ ./reserve -c inkeys -z /dev/rdsk/c6t500060E80000000000009CBB00000445d0s2
Reservation keys(0):

# run devfsadm to remove device files
devfsadm -C -c disk

# clean up the did devices
scdidadm -C

# create a new diskset

# create metaset and mediators
metaset -s ds04 -a -h manta mulloway marlin
metaset -s ds04 -a -m mulloway manta

# add disk to the metaset
metaset -s ds04 -a /dev/did/rdsk/d21 /dev/did/rdsk/d22

# check status
metaset -s ds04
metadb -s ds04
medstat -s ds04

# create the first concat
metainit -s ds04 d0 2 1 /dev/did/rdsk/d21s0 1 /dev/did/rdsk/d22s0

# create soft partitions
# metainit -s ds04 d1 -p d0 10g
d1: Soft Partition is setup
# metainit -s ds04 d2 -p d0 10g
d2: Soft Partition is setup

# create default ufs filesystems
newfs /dev/md/ds04/rdsk/d1
newfs /dev/md/ds04/rdsk/d2

# check required filesystem settings using...
# mkfs -m /dev/md/ds04/rdsk/d1
mkfs -F ufs -o nsect=120,ntrack=56,bsize=8192,fragsize=1024,cgsize=16,free=1,rps=166,nbpi=8239,opt=t,apc=0,gap=0,nrpos=8,maxcontig=16 /dev/md/ds04/rdsk/d1 20971520

# create resource group
scrgadm -a -g super1 -h manta,mulloway,marlin -y RG_description="Summit Production"

# create StoragePlus resource
scrgadm -a -j super1-ds04 -t SUNW.HAStoragePlus -g super1 \
-x FileSystemMountPoints=/opt/smt,/opt/oraclest \
-x AffinityOn=true

# create logical hostname resource
scrgadm -a -L -g super1 -j super1-ip -l super1

# create the super1 apache application resource
scrgadm -a -j super1-apache -t EUM.super1 -g super1 -y Resource_dependencies=super1-ds04 -x Eum_admin_dir=/opt/smt/admin/bin

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